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    The horse and equestrian magazine – Practical tips, advice...

    • 5 years
    • 1588
    Ride your horses on the beach

    Autumn is finally here. For many this season is filled with rain and temperature drops, for others it is the reopening of the beaches once again.

    • 5 years
    • 1441
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    Buy a driving horse

    The purchase of a driving horse can be tricky as it will be ridden as well as used to draw a carriage, work at the three paces and must therefore be docile.

    • 5 years
    • 1607
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    To buy a horse … without any stress!

    In a moment of excitement, in a rush and sometimes under the pressure of someone else, the fact of buying a horse can be a stressful and negative experience.

    • 5 years
    • 1824
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    Having your horse at home: advantages and disadvantages

    After years of owning a horse in a riding stable, you decide to keep your horses at home. Space, shelter, equipment, food, water, are available ... However, have you really thought of everything?

    • 5 years
    • 351
    Buy an allrounder horse

    An "All-Rounder" is a horse capable of doing several disciplines, versatile, flexible and open-minded, compliant, curious, who is not afraid of anything and is not reluctant to work...

    • 5 years
    • 293
    How to optimize the storage of your riding equipment?

    Most riders, whether they are equine owners or not, end up having a large collection of equipment over the years. Some unique pieces, but also many duplicates in other respects ...

    • 5 years
    • 1343
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    Weekly work schedule for your horse: ideas and tips for a pleasant routine

    Do you own one or more of the horses that you ride? Do you have competition goals, or do you simply want to ride regularly, with a logical approach in terms of work?

    • 5 years
    • 279
    Find the perfect broodmare for a beautiful and good foal

    The genetic inheritance of a broodmare determines more than 60% of the qualities of his foal. Even fertile, a stallion is not the absolute guarantee of a successful breeding.