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    Forfait Annonces PRO

    The advert placement is limited to items included in your package.

    Example: The EQUINE Trade Package allows you to place adverts under Horses, Ponies, Donkeys and Stallions sections. You can subscribe to multiple packages at once.

    You can place an unlimited number of adverts during your subscription period. Only the number of adverts displayed on the website at a specific time is limited to the number of adverts available in your package.

    Example: If you purchased a package of 10 adverts then a maximum of 10 adverts will be broadcast simultaneously on the website. At any time, you can delete an advert and publish a new one.

    Your adverts will run throughout the Equirodi network which includes,,,, ... (provided that the section of your advert is available on the site in question)

    You can choose between the Prestige and Premium package. Your adverts will be broadcast on all Equirodi international websites (France, Belgium, Switzerland, UK, ...). See the full list of our international websites

    The Prestig package ensures better visibility because, under this package, your adverts appear before the Premium and Basic adverts in search results. Premium adverts are also distributed internationally.

    To ensure quality service and up to date adverts, we regularly ask our customers to confirm the validity of adverts available for sale. In case of non-confirmation, the adverts are automatically disabled.

    At Equirodi, we are proud to ensure quality services and fulfill customer satisfaction. The Trade Packages, like many other of our services, offer a Money Back Guarantee scheme.

    Download the application form for reimbursement of a Trade Package

    The Prestige package ensures better visibility because, as part of this package, your ads automatically appear every 3 days for 90 days in search results, while Premium package ads appear every 7 days for 30 days.