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    Horse articles

    View our selection of articles on the buying and selling of horses

    • 5 years
    • 140
    Preparing to sell your horse: A tale of trust and full disclosure

    You have decided to take the plunge and sell your horse. From there on and very quickly, get ready to receive inquiries even if your ad is completely filled in. You will have to manage the flow of requests while...

    • 6 years
    • 292
    Buy a horse: the maintenance fee to plan before doing it

    To own a horse is one thing. To look after him, with all the costs involved – on the very long term – is another...

    • 6 years
    • 529
    Selling a horse: Write a powerful advertisement for smooth sailing!

    First and foremost, your goal is to find a serious buyer. Someone in whom you will have complete confidence and that will be especially sensitive to the well-being of your animal...

    • 6 years
    • 184
    • 2
    Buying your own horse ? Ask yourself the right question before getting carried away!

    Having your own horse is the dream of many riders. However, becoming a buyer is not an ordinary act...