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    The horse and equestrian magazine – Practical tips, advice...

    • 6 years
    • 160
    • 1
    Buy a pony : A mini horse that deserves all your attention

    Buying one or several ponies is an exciting experience, however it is important to know before the purchase who this small horse is intended for.

    • 6 years
    • 337
    Buy a show-jumping horse without making any mistake

    Show-jumping is one of the equestrian disciplines requiring the most precision. A horse intended for this type of exercise must therefore be studied in its entirety to identify its technical and physical abilities...

    • 6 years
    • 292
    Buy a horse: the maintenance fee to plan before doing it

    To own a horse is one thing. To look after him, with all the costs involved – on the very long term – is another...

    • 6 years
    • 558
    • 1
    Saddle Up! How to Buy a Second-Hand Saddle Without Making a Mistake

    There are hundreds of second-hand saddles for sale on the internet and the saddle is the most important accessory for any rider. So how do you find the right one?

    • 6 years
    • 496
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    Buying a Second-Hand Horse Trailer - Do Your Research!

    So you want to get out and about with your horse, find new hacking/trekking tracks, go to competitions or just meet up with other riders?

    • 6 years
    • 321
    Private owners, buy an equestrian property that suits your demands.

    You are looking for a suitable place to reach the full potential of your horse and his well-being; you want to buy a property with a house and land or just land alone...

    • 6 years
    • 529
    Selling a horse: Write a powerful advertisement for smooth sailing!

    First and foremost, your goal is to find a serious buyer. Someone in whom you will have complete confidence and that will be especially sensitive to the well-being of your animal...

    • 6 years
    • 184
    • 2
    Buying your own horse ? Ask yourself the right question before getting carried away!

    Having your own horse is the dream of many riders. However, becoming a buyer is not an ordinary act...